Procedures for laboratory use after office hours are applicable to lab users of Faculty of Science including students (undergraduates and postgraduates) of the Department of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematical Sciences.

Labs are divided into three categories: Category A Lab (instrument Lab), Category B Lab (non-instrument Lab) and Category C lab (teaching labs and meeting/seminar rooms). Category A Lab requires laboratory staff to monitor student while working overtime. For Category B Lab, students are allowed to work after office hours without laboratory staff. For Category C labs, students are allowed to use the labs in the presence of academic/lab staff.

Students are allowed to use the lab after office hours on;

  1. Working days between 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm (Sunday-Wednesday) and between 3:30 pm to 10:00 pm on Thursday.
  2. Weekends (Friday & Saturday) and public holidays between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.

The rules and procedures of lab work after office hours that must be adhered to are as follows:

  • Working after office hours is not recommended. Permission will not be given with impunity. Only reasons on solid ground will be approved.
  • Students are not allowed to work alone, the approval will be granted if there are at least two (2) students (buddy system) who want to work in the laboratory on the same day and time.
  • Students must have the written consent, which is by completing Form for Lab Use after office hours (Form LWP) before being allowed to carry out the work. Forms are available at the Office of Management of the respective Departments or website of the Faculty of Science.
  • Form must be completed each time a student wants to work after office hours.
  • In the form, the student must obtain the support of lab staff responsible in their labs. For Category A Laboratory, students must consult with the laboratory staff to work overtime in order tomonitor the students. Please refer to Appendix 1 on laboratory by category (each department identifies laboratory category).
  • The application must also be supported by the student’s supervisor and approved by the Laboratory Coordinator for each departmental panel. Please refer to the list of Lab Coordinator in Appendix 2.
  • For all Laboratory categories, only Laboratory Staff on duty are allowed to collect the keys at the guard station. However for Category C Laboratory, lab/room key may be taken by academic staff who wishes to use the teaching lab/room for specific programs. The keys must then be handed back to the guard station on completion of the labs. The names of those in possession of the lab keys will be registered using the e-key system.
  • For students who wish to work after 10:00 pm, special approval must be obtained from the Laboratory Manager of Faculty of Science (Section 8 of the Application Form LWP to be filled in).
  • Completed forms must be submitted to the Office of Laboratory Management at least three (3) working days before the intended lab work. An approval slip and Lab log card will be provided as evidence of students who obtain permission to work after office hours. The log card must be displayed outside the lab door throughout the lab use for safety monitoring purposes.
  • Students must also register in (check-in) and out of the laboratory (check-out) by filling in the lab log book provided in each laboratory. The approval slip must also be placed in the student’s log book as a copy for the student.
  • Only students with approved application are allowed in the lab. Outsiders or unauthorized individuals are prohibited from entering the lab.