+607-553 4048 fsains@utm.my

Day 1- Workshop “Customised Research Management: Structure and Adab” by UKM Adjunct Prof. Wan Mohd Mokhtar at Al-Hazen meeting room TO2, Department of Bioscience, Faculty of Science, UTM

What learnt today :

An inspirational way of Science Understanding the SIGNS… With extensive & intensive a research based on title and keywords.

The assessments through SWOT of 4’s or 9’s on strength, weaknesses, opportunity & threats. Modules on first day; 

Module 1 : An Introduction to the Science of Understanding Signs- covering the 7 domains of a sentences

Module 2 : Thinking tools (SMART, PURA, HAIRS, 5Ms & 7S Construct)

Module 3 : A 9-quadrant SWOT analysis for a research team resulting in 4 strategic statement (PART 1)