+607-553 4048 fsains@utm.my


What are we investigating?

Our research focuses on the development of mathematical and computational models for fluids flow and heat and mass transfer problems. It is a theoretical investigation where we seek to develop appropriate mathematical models to interpret and enhance understanding of fluid flow characteristics to help elucidate and explain experimental findings and observed phenomena. The numerical solutions obtained provide a means for which other exact or approximate solutions can be vindicated and validated. Further, the exact solutions obtained provide an interesting and complete benchmark to verify numerical schemes for different complex flow situations.
“As a leader, I always ensure that every member of this group continues to successfully obtain various grants to support the continuity of research activities. You may click the button SEE GRANTS to explore the list of grants received by our members.”

– Group Leader

“As a group member, I always ensure that research papers are published every year. This ensures that new knowledge will continue to be shared with readers. Certainly, the publications are also supported by other group members and postgraduate students under our supervision. You may click the button SEE PUBLICATIONS to explore the list of publications received by our members and students”

– Member

“As a student under the supervision of this group, I am very grateful for the knowledge and guidance provided to ensure that I always deliver the best results in my research activities. Besides being able to publish in impactful publications, I have also succeeded in receiving several awards at the national and international levels to help me continue to be recognized in this research field. You may click the button SEE AWARDS to explore the list of awards received by our members.”

– Student

Contact Information

Reach Us!

Contact us by email if you have any enquiries. Your email will be sent directly to our research group leader.



Deparment of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

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