Fees and Payment
MMISG2023 Fees
Category | Fee |
Student (Master/Doctoral Student) | RM 50 |
Participant (Researcher/Academia) | RM 100 |
Payment Method
Fees payment can be made using one of the following methods:
1. Online banking/ATM transfer:
Bank name: CIMB
Bank account no. : 8006053536
Beneficiary Name: BENDAHARI UTM
2. UTM e-Commerce (For MEPS FPX and Credit Card)
Link: UTM e-Commerce
In the Category, select WORKSHOP. Then, search for MMISG2023.
Choose UTM1213 for Participant (Researcher/Academia)
Choose UTM1214 for Student (Master/Doctoral Student)
After Payment
After payment has been done, please upload your proof of payment via this LINK.