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- Nor Hidayah Ismail & Zarina Mohd Khalid. Investigation of Burr Type XII Using Simulated Data. Proceedings of the 1st ISM International Conference 2012, 4 – 6 November 2012, Persada, Johor Bahru.
- Haliza Abd.Rahman, Arifah Bahar, Mohd.Khairul Bazli Mohd.Aziz, Norhayati Rosl “Parameter estimation of Lotka-Volterra Model : A Two Step Method”. 1-st ISM Online Proceedings 2012.
- Norhayati Rosli, Arifah Bahar, Yeak Su Hoe, Haliza Abd.Rahman, Madihah Salleh & Mohd.Khairul Bazli Mohd.Aziz “Stochastic Taylor Methods for Stochastic Delay Differential Equations”. 1-st ISM Online Proceedings 2012.
- Noraslinda Mohamed Ismail, Zarina Mohd Khalid & Norhaiza Ahmad. Estimating Proportional Hazards Model Using Frequentist and Bayesian Approaches. Regional Annual Fundamental Science Symposium 2011 (RAFSS 2011), 20-21 December 2011, Johor Bahru.
- Chin Wan Yoke & Zarina Mohd Khalid (2011). Estimating Log-logistic Survival Parameters Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation Approach. Proceedings of National Science Postgraduate Conference 2011 (NSPC 2011). 15-17 November 2011 Johor Bahru: Penerbit UTM, 221-227
- Chin Wan Yoke, Zarina Mohd Khalid & Ho Ming Kang. Analysis of Repeated Measures via simulation. SKSM19, 9-11 November 2011, UiTM Pulau Pinang.
- Oh Yit Leng & Zarina Mohd Khalid. A comparative study of maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation approaches in estimating of Weibull cured model parameters. International Seminar on the Application of Science & Mathematics 2011, 1 – 3 November 2011, PWTC, KL.
- Chin Wan Yoke & Zarina Mohd Khalid. Joint Frailty Survival and Longitudinal models with missing values. Proceeding of Regional Annual Fundamental Science Symposium (RAFSS) 2010, Kuala Lumpur, 8-9 June 2010.
- Haliza Abd.Rahman, Arifah Bahar, Mohd.Khairul Bazli Mohd.Aziz, Norhayati Rosli, Madihah Salleh & Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, “Levenberg-Marquardt Parameter Estimation of Stochastic Logistic Model”, Proceedings of ICORAFFSS 2009, 2-4 June 2009, The ZON Regency Hotel,Johor Bahru,Malaysia. ISSN 978-983-9805-75-8.
- Norhayati Rosli, Arifah Bahar, Yeak Su Hoe, Haliza Abd.Rahman, Madihah Salleh & Mohd.Khairul Bazli Mohd.Aziz, “The Performance of Euler Maruyama and 2-stage SRK in Approximating the Strong Solution of Stochastic Model”, Proceedings of ICORAFFSS 2009, 2-4 June 2009, The ZON Regency Hotel,Johor Bahru,Malaysia. ISSN 978-983-9805-75-8.(Poster Presentation).
- Mohd.Khairul Bazli Mohd.Aziz, Arifah Bahar, Madihah Salleh & Haliza Abd.Rahman, “Stochastic Growth of C.Acetobutylicum”,Proceedings of ICORAFFSS 2009, 2-4 June 2009,The ZON Regency Hotel,Johor Bahru,Malaysia. ISSN 978-983-9805-75-8.(Poster Presentation ).
- Mohd.Khairul Bazli Mohd.Aziz, Arifah Bahar, Madihah Salleh & Haliza Abd.Rahman, “Stochastic Growth of C.Acetobutylicum”,Proceedings of AMC 2009.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid & B. J. T. Morgan. Sensitivity of Compound Poisson Frailty Model Towards The Choice of Basic Intensity Functions. Proceeding of The 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences 2007, pp. 1316 – 1331, Shah Alam, 12-14 Disember 2007.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid. Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Approaches in a Survival Mixture Model. Programs & Abstracts of 2nd Int’l Conference on Mathematical Sciences, p. 89. Institute Ibnu Sina, UTM, 29-30 May 2007.
- Zairul Nor Deana Md Desa, Ismail Mohamad & Zarina Mohd Khalid. Statistical Approach on Grading the Students Achievement via Mixture Modeling. Programme & Abstracts of 2nd Int’l Conference on Mathematical Scieces, p. 109, Institute Ibnu Sina, UTM, 29-30 May 2007.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid & B. J. T. Morgan. Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival models. XXIInd International Biometrics Conference, 11-16 July 2004, Cairns Convention Centre, Australia.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid & B. J. T. Morgan. Survival Models with long-term survivors. International Biometrics Society British Region Conference, 16-18 September 2003, University of Reading, UK.
- Siti Zulaikha Zulkefli, Haliza Abdul Rahman, Norazlina Ismail (2023). Economic Growth Contributed by Distributive Trade Sector,UTM.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid, et al. (2016) Introductory Statistics for Engineering Students. Penerbit UTM Press, in review.
- Noraslinda Mohamed Ismail, Zarina Mohd Khalid & Norhaiza Ahmad. Proportional Hazards Model using Frequentist and Bayesian Approaches. A book chapter in Statistical Modelling in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014, pp. 19 – 44. Publisher: Penerbit UTM Press. ISBN 978-983-52-0991-8.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid & Chin Wan Yoke. Random-Effects Longitudinal Model. A book chapter inStatistical Modelling in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014, pp. 89 – 104. Publisher: Penerbit UTM Press. ISBN 978-983-52-0991-8.
- “Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations” by -W. Weber, P. Taylan, Z.-K. Görgülü, H. Abd. Rahman and A. Bahar corresponds to Chapter 50, pp 685-714 of Dynamics, Games and Science II, 2011. (ISBN: 978-3-642-14787-6). Lecture Module : Mathematical Statistics for Science Students Edition : 2008/2009.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid & Noryanti Muhammad (2008). MLE & Naïve EM Algorithm in the Estimation of Censored Survival Model Parameters: A Comparative Study. UTM Research Monograph.
- Arifah Bahar, Ismail Mohamad, Muhammad Hisyam Lee, Muhammad Fauzee Hamdan, Norazlina Ismail, Noraslinda Mohamed Ismail & Zarina Mohd Khalid (2007). Engineering Statistics Workbook, Department of Mathematics, UTM.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid (2005). Mathematical Statistics for Master Students, Department of Mathematics, UTM.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid (2005). Survival Modelling for Retinopathy in Type I Diabetes Mellitus. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. University of Kent, UK.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid (2005). 7 entries in Encyclopedia Science & Technology, UTM & DBP.
- Zarina Mohd Khalid (1998). Robust Regression Methods: Merits of the approaches and simulation by S-Plus. Unpublished M.Sc. Dissertation. University of Warwick, UK.