+607-553 4048 fsains@utm.my

Young Mathematicians For Hire! is part of Faculty of Science MyRoadmap program especially designed for third year students at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, as preparation for their internship placements.

A mathematics degree can open doors to a variety of exciting career. In fact, career opportunities for  mathematics graduates in Malaysia today are no longer constrained by the traditional occupational fields typically associated with mathematics such as teaching. In fact, the skills possessed by Mathematics graduate such as

  • analytical thinking
  • problem solving.
  • critical thinking
  • quantitative reasoning.
  • ability to manipulate precise and intricate ideas.
  • construct logical arguments and expose illogical arguments.

can be desirable to many companies particularly from 4IR based organisations.

The Young Mathematicians For Hire workshop aims to guide participants on :

  1. Recognising the strength of a mathematics student/graduate
  2. Identifying different types of organisations for placements
  3. Effective search for placements
  4. writing an effective auto-generated CV using LaTeX.
  5. sharing session by experienced faculty members and 4th year students who have worked and undergone Internships at various industries respectively.