Master of Philosophy, Field of Research: Bioscience
- Master of Philosophy, Filed of Research : Bioscience
- Entry Requirement
- Programme Objectives
- Career Prospects
- Programme Learning Outcomes
- Classification of Subjects
- MQA certificate
Awarding Institution | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | |||
Teaching Institution | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | |||
Programme Name | Master of Philosophy , Field of Research : Bioscience |
Final Award |
Master of Philosophy |
NEC Code |
0510 | |||
Programme Code | MSCS3 | |||
Professional or Statutory Body of Accreditation |
Language(s) of Instructions |
Bahasa Melayu & English | |||
Mode of Study | Conventional | |||
Study Scheme | Full Time | |||
Study Duration |
Full Time: Minimum: 1 year; Maximum: 4 years |
Postgraduate Entry Requirements : LINK ENTRY
- A Bachelor’s Degree with good honours from Universiti Teknolongi Malaysia or any other institution of higher learning recognised by the Senate; or
- A qualification equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree and experience in the relevant field recognised by the Senate.
PEO1 : Knowledgeable and skilful in catering to knowledge-intensive industries in the field of Biology and Biochemistry through application of research and innovation skills
Berpengetahuan dan mahir dalam memenuhi industri pengetahuan intensif dalam bidang Biologi dan Biokimia melalui penerapan kemahiran penyelidikan dan inovasi.
PEO2 : Competent to advice and solve on contemporary issues and proposed new solutions and innovations for development and advancement in the field of Biology and Biochemistry.
Kompeten untuk memberi nasihat dan menyelesaikan isu kontemporari, serta mencadangkan penyelesaian dan inovasi baru untuk pembangunan dan kemajuan dalam bidang Biologi dan Biokimia.
PEO3 : Equipped with professional skills critical to excel within a multicultural, transnational work and learning environment.
Dilengkapi dengan kemahiran profesional kritikal untuk cemerlang dalam persekitaran kerja pelbagai budaya, transnasional dan pembelajaran.
Graduates of the program can work as
- Academician
- Microbiologist
- Research Officer
- Clinical Manager
- Environmental Officer
- Quality Assurance Officer
- Corporate Learning Advisor
- Biotechnology Engineer
- Professional Editor
- Bio-entrepreneurs
- Enforcement Officer
- Lab Analyst & Executive
- Underwriting Associate
- Equipment/Chemical Specialist
- Biomanufacturing Associate
- Product Specialist
- Consultant
- Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Many of our alumni transition directly into full-time positions, spanning various sectors in Malaysia, both biological and non-biological industries, as well as government or private enterprises, and various public services. These sectors encompass hospitals, universities, and research institutions like IMR, MARDI, FRIM, SIRIM, and MPOB. Graduates from our program find employment as Biotechnologist, Microbiologists, Biomedical Scientists, Biotechnology Engineers, Research Officers, Postdoctoral Researchers, Clinical Research Associates, Project Managers, Environmental Officers, Product Specialists, Regulatory Affairs Specialists, Entrepreneur more. Additionally, some of our alumni choose to pursue further studies, either locally or abroad, in advanced fields of biotechnology such as cancer and stem cell research, proteomics, metabolic engineering and bioinformatics. A number of them them also become academics, either in universities or private educational institutions
PLO1: Integrate and generate in-depth relevant knowledge independently using innovative techniques, tools and skills for decision-making to manage and resolve a complex problem in the field of Biology and Biochemistry as a basis for research.
Mengintegrasikan dan menjana pengetahuan berkaitan secara mendalam menggunakan teknik, alat dan kemahiran yang inovatif untuk membuat keputusan bagi mengurus dan menyelesaikan masalah yang kompleks dalam bidang Biologi dan Biokimia sebagai asas penyelidikan.
PLO2: Construct a critical and innovative solution for complex problems or issues in the field of Biology and Biochemistry through research using the latest development techniques and skills.
Membina penyelesaian untuk masalah atau isu yang kompleks dalam bidang Biologi dan Biokimia secara kritikal dan inovatif melalui penyelidikan menggunakan teknik dan kemahiran yang terkini.
PLO3: Devise standard research methodology that is based on the forefront knowledge and latest development in the field of Biology and Biochemistry to solve research problems with reasonable degree of originality.
Merangka metodologi penyelidikan yang standard berdasarkan pengetahuan terkehadapan dan perkembangan terkini dalam bidang Biologi dan Biokimia untuk menyelesaikan masalah penyelidikan dengan tahap keaslian yang bersesuaian.
PLO4: Demonstrate effective collaboration with peers, scholarly communities and society at large in the relevant field of expertise and research.
Mempamerkan kerjasama yang berkesan dengan rakan sebaya, komuniti ilmiah dan masyarakat umum dalam bidang kepakaran dan penyelidikan yang berkaitan
PLO5: Communicate the knowledge, skills, ideas clearly using appropriate methods to peers, experts, and non-experts through various mediums.
Menyampaikan pengetahuan, kemahiran, dan idea dengan jelas menggunakan kaedah yang sesuai kepada rakan sebaya, pakar, dan bukan pakar melalui pelbagai medium.
PLO6: Use a broad range of suitable digital technologies, media, and software to design, manage, analyse and report research studies.
Menggunakan pelbagai teknologi digital, media dan perisian yang sesuai untuk merancang, mengurus, menganalisis dan melaporkan kajian penyelidikan.
PLO7: Demonstrate skills in designing, planning evaluation activities, and analysing numerical and graphical data using quantitative or qualitative tools in solving problems.
Menunjukkan kemahiran mereka bentuk, merancang aktiviti penilaian, serta menganalisis data berangka dan bergrafik menggunakan alat kuantitatif atau kualitatif dalam menyelesaikan masalah.
PLO8: Demonstrate leadership, autonomy and responsibility in conducting and managing own research and resources.
Mempamerkan kepemimpinan, autonomi dan tanggungjawab dalam menjalankan dan menguruskan penyelidikan dan sumber secara kendiri.
PLO9: Demonstrate the ability to manage and enhance own self-advancement for academic development, professional development and research skills using lifelong learning strategies.
Mempamerkan keupayaan untuk mengurus dan meningkatkan kemajuan diri dalam perkembangan akademik, profesional dan kemahiran penyelidikan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran sepanjang hayat.
PLO10: Develop potential commercialisation research output.
Membangunkan hasil penyelidikan yang berpotensi untuk dikomersialkan.
PLO11: Demonstrate adherence to legal, ethical and professional codes of practice in the field of Biology and Biochemistry and research activities.
Menunjukkan kepatuhan kepada kod amalan undang-undang, etika dan profesional dalam bidang Biologi dan Biokimia dan aktiviti penyelidikan.
Year/ Semester (Total Semester) |
M.Phil. |
1/1 (Sem. 1) | MSCS 1100 |
1/2 (Sem. 2) | MSCS 1200 |
2/1 (Sem. 3) | MSCS 2100 |
2/2 (Sem. 4) | MSCS 2200 |
3/1 (Sem. 5) | MSCS 3100 |
3/2 (Sem. 6) | MSCS 3200 |
4/1 (Sem. 7) | MSCS 4100 |
4/2 (Sem. 8) |
MSCS 4200(maximum semester) |
MQA certificate

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