Faculty of Science Internship

Information from graduates and employers indicates that, when recruiting, most employers look favourably upon your experience spent in industry/research organisations. Thus your stint as an intern can make all the difference in job interviews after you graduate. Internship experience will boost your self-confidence, not only in your chosen subject area, but in the marketplace generally.
The Internship scheme at the Faculty of Science is available with all our BSc degree programmes. It involves spending your third year in full-time employment for at least 3 months, giving you the opportunity to work experience before you graduate.
Types of Internships
There are two types of internship schemes for Faculty of Science undergraduate students (depending on degree programmes):
The Faculty of Science maintains a list of employers which includes previous placements, as well as others who have shown an interest. While this is not an exhaustive list, for many it will give an indication of the sorts of jobs and companies which are appropriate.
The faculty also offers internships to inbound students from other institutions. Read more here.
FS Internship Co-ordinator : Dr. Ganesan A/L Krishnan
For all other enquiries, please contact our internship officer at the Faculty of Science, Madam Noilela
Miss Amizatul Nazirah
at 07-5534043(UG Office, C17)
Department of Mathematical Sciences:
Dr. Mohammad Izat Emir Zulkifly
Dr. Ahmad Fadilah Embong
Dr. Lim Yeou Jiann
Department of Physics:
Dr. Nurhidayah Ahmad
Dr. Fairuz Diyana Ismail
Dr. Nurhafizah Hasim
Department of Chemistry :
Mr. Anthony Nyangson Steven @ Mohd Daniel
Dr. Naharullah Jamaludin
Department of Bioscience :
Dr. Nurashikin Ihsan
Dr. Nurzila Ab Latif
Dr. Saleha Shahar
Dr. Nor Zalina Othman