Using Proceeding Articles Afterwards

We recognize that the manuscripts featured in Proceedings of Science and Mathematics often represent an ongoing work in progress. Furthermore, we are aware that some proceedings papers may be revised or expanded upon before being published as a regular journal article, potentially in journals outside of Proceedings of Science and Mathematics. We do not oppose authors who wish to judiciously repurpose content from their Proceedings of Science and Mathematics manuscript, as long as such repurposing aligns with the principles and ethical guidelines of professional scientific publishing.

When submitting a journal manuscript that is based on work previously published in Proceedings of Science and Mathematics, it is important to ensure that it contains a significant amount of new or previously unpublished findings. We do not accept articles that are essentially identical to their manuscript published in Proceedings of Science and Mathematics. Such dual publication, whether intentional or unintentional, may have a negative impact on an author’s publication history. Each journal has its own criteria for determining whether an author’s reuse of a proceeding manuscript is appropriate and justifiable, or if there is enough new material to warrant a new publication.

In order for journal editors and referees to make well-informed decisions, we kindly request that authors who reuse content from their Proceedings of Science and Mathematics manuscript provide a copy of their proceedings article to the chosen journal. Please do this at the initial manuscript submission stage and include a clear statement outlining the materials that have been reproduced from the Proceedings manuscript. Additionally, authors are responsible for notifying all co-authors listed on the proceedings manuscript that a manuscript based on the original Proceedings article has been submitted to a journal. If authors derive a journal article from their Proceedings manuscript, they must include a citation to their Proceedings manuscript, regardless of whether it has been published or is forthcoming in an Proceedings of Science and Mathematics volume. This citation serves as evidence of compliance with our policy and fosters transparency and openness.