Volume 19, November 2023
Guest Editor:
Abdul Fatah A. Samad
Raihana Ridzuan
Nurzila Ab. Latif
Mohd Aizuddin Mohd Lazaldin
Nurliyana Ahmad Zawawi
Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Molecular Characterisation of Musa Paradisiaca CV. Tanduk Using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) Primers
Farid Emir Bahrin, Rozaliana Ab Karim, Raihana Ridzuan
Anti-proliferative Effect of Cisplatin and 6-Gingerol Co-treatment on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells
Shelly Tan, Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek, Praseetha Prabhakaran
Antioxidant And Cytotoxicity Properties of Clitoria ternatea Extract Towards K562 Leukaemia Cells
Ong Thanasilan, Nurzila Ab. Latif and Nurriza Ab. Latif
Identification, Expression, Phylogenetic Analysis of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase in Persicaria odorata Under Wounding Treatment
See Ying Yu, Abdul Fatah A. Samad
In-Silico Identification and Evaluation of Dual Inhibitors of Glucoamylase and α-Amylase as Potential Treatment for Diabetes
Loh Hui Xuan, and Syazwani Itri Binti Amran
Effect of Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles Using Banana Peels (AgNP) on Algae Composting
Wong Siz Yee, Nurliyana Ahmad Zawawi, Huszalina Hussin
Identification of vitamin biosynthesis pathway in thermophilic Leptolyngbya sp. and effects of macronutrients manipulation on its growth
Muhammad Khairul Ikhwan Abdul Rased, Siti Zuliyana Azmi, Aida Farhana Su’ib, Anthony Nyangson Steven, Nur Izzati Mohd Noh
Enhancing Melon Growth and Fruit Quality through Optimal Fertilizer Volume and Biostimulant Application
Nurul Syahlely Mohamad Saupi, Azman Abd Samad
The Effect of Leptospermum Scoparium Essential Oil Combined with Hyperthermia During In Vitro Dermal Wound Healing
Goh Yu Yan, Wan Fatin Amira Wan Mohd Zawawi, Khairunadwa Jemon
Nitrogen Utilisation Efficiency in Aquaponics Circulation System Using Nitrobacter Treatment
Shafie Baharum, Raihana Ridzuan, Fazilah Abd Manan, Mohd Farid Ismail, Norfakhrina Mohd Noor
Tetracycline Biodegradation by Pseudomonas sp. Isolated from Wastewater Treatment Plant
Adimas Jagad Jippanola, Muhammad Syahmi Jaffar and Nor Azimah Mohd Zain
Identification of miR414 and Its Regulatory Roles in Terpenoid Biosynthesis in Mentha spp.
Cindy Ong, Abdul Fatah A. Samad
Shoot Induction and Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis Using Bentong Ginger Extracts
Erni Zunika Berayan, Azman Abd Samad, Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek
PHAs Producing Bacteria Isolated from Waste Cooking Oil: Isolation and Characterization
Fatemeh Hadian Rasnani, Nor Azimah Mohd Zain
Plant Regeneration and Antioxidant Activity of Hippobroma longiflora
Syahrina Zappridin, Azman Abd Samad
Characterization of Rhodopseudomonas sp. For Hexavalent Chromium Reduction in Solution
Nur Aliffah Ilyanna Muhammad Hariri, Shafinaz Shahir, Siti Halimah Hasmoni
The Association of SNP (t.18085 T>G) of GNRHR Gene with Litter Size as a Candidate Genetic Marker in Senduro Goat
Nur Hidayah, Tri Eko Susilorini, Ari Ardiantoro, Guruh Prasetyo, Heri Damayanti, Suyadi