+607-5534043 / 34046 / 33542 ugfs@utm.my


Extra-Curricular Experiential Learning

Pengalaman Pembelajaran Luar Kurikulum

What is ExCEL?

ExCEL is a University general course designed to recognize students’ engagement in extra-curricular activities. Indirectly, this course will encourage students to better appreciate the learning process that occurs through the extra-curricular activities. This course utilizes experiential learning, self-reflection and case study approaches in its process of learning and teaching.

The ExCEL course is implemented starting with students’ intake of the 2018/2019 session for all Bachelor’s Degree programme curriculum using UKQE 3001 as the course code. For students’ intake of session  2019/2020 onwards, the course code used is UKQT 3001. The course is offered in the Bachelor’s Degree programme curriculum at any semester between the fifth and the eighth.


Undergraduate Studies