+607-5534043 / 34046 / 33542 ugfs@utm.my

Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) with Honours

Nama Program: Sarjana Muda Sains (Kimia) dengan Kepujian (SSCAH)


Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) with Honours

Program Educational Objectives

Cohort Before Session 2022/2023
The objectives of the B.Sc. (Chemistry) with Honours program are to provide the knowledge, skills and attributes that should be achieved by the graduates for a successful career. The graduate should be able to:

1. become chemists who are competent, innovative and productive in addressing chemistry issues in research and development related industries.
2. develop professionally with proficient soft skills to adapt to a range of contacts and audiences.
3. demonstrate high standard of ethics, pure values and social responsibilities.

Cohort From Session 2022/2023
The objectives of the B.Sc. (Chemistry) with Honours program are to provide the knowledge, skills and attributes that should be achieved by the graduates for a successful career. It is therefore anticipated that, graduates of the program who are:

1. knowledgeable and competent in undertaking research and development activities in the field of chemistry.
2. efficient and innovative with distinctive leadership qualities and compliance to standards of ethical conduct demonstrate high standards of ethics, pure values and social responsibilities.
3. responsible in engaging and contributing professionally towards environmental well-being and sustainable community.


Further information


Faculty of Science
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Undergraduate Office :

Postgraduate Office :

For futher details, please visit us at:
Website : science.utm.my
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FakultiSainsUTM/

Undergraduate Studies