So far, the year 2020 has been an unexpected year for all because of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Despite all the cancellations of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM) alumni related events planned for the year, Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science, in collaboration with Biosciences Alumni Society (BiosAS) had successfully organized and hosted two webinars for the 4th year students who are about to graduate. The webinars were aimed to guide and share relevant information, tips and experiences to prepare these students for their future in deciding the next step in life after graduation.
The 1st webinar held on the 6th of August mainly focused on the choices of their first job, employers’ expectations, and tips on attending an interview. The speakers for this program were Mr. Fahmi Othman, Mr. Muhammad Hazzudin Mohd Arif and Mr. Ahmad Zuhairi Abd Rahman. This webinar was attended by 39 Biosciences students, 14 alumni cum staff of the Faculty of Science, and two representatives from other departments.