+607-553 4048 fsains@utm.my

Radiation and Nuclear Physics Panel are one of the academic panels in the Department of Physics. This panel comprises academic and research group that covers a wide range of areas in applied radiation and nuclear physics including explore the fundamental properties and interactions of radiation in a range of medical and industrial applications, environmental radioactivity monitoring, nuclear siting, nuclear safety/security assessment, nuclear structure and reaction, nuclear waste materials, muon physics, and sensor/biosensor. Within this panel, there are numerous opportunities for students to gain practical knowledge and experience in many areas of the field. Undergraduate and postgraduate students have numerous opportunities to participate in the research activities conducted by our panel. The mission of this panel is to provide a high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate education experience in radiation and nuclear physics subject area. The educational experience is accomplished through rigorous classroom instruction aided by computer and multi-media instruction, practical laboratory experiences, an introduction to the principles of research, and mentoring. The products of this experience are entry-level professionals capable of critical thinking and problem solving, devoted to a lifetime of learning, committed to the ethical standards of their profession, and highly sought after by employers.