Message from the Director
The core business of our program is to develop the students to be knowledgeable, productive and competent in addressing and solving problems in various field of physics through new academia learning innovation (NALI), research and development activities and involvement from industries. We also want to nurture and educate our students to be efficient and innovative, excellent leadership and ethical characteristics. In addition, we want to equip them to have positive attitude and responsible by engaging and contributing professionally towards the well-being of the environment and a sustainable community.
The Department of Physics offers two undergraduate programmes i.e Bachelor of Science (Industrial Physics) with Honours and Bachelor of Science (Physics) with Honours. For postgraduate studies, we offer Master of Science in Physics (mixmode), Master of Philosophy (Physics) and Doctor of Philosophy (Physics). Our graduates are groomed for a variety of career paths including careers in the industries and academia, among others.
Our department comprises of 36 academic staff members with excellent educational background in the field of Physics; that can be distributed into four main Academic Panels, Instrumentation, Materials, Optics and Nuclear. Each and every one of our academic staff are certified Physicists and member of professional bodies and societies; both national and international, including MASS, including The Malaysian Solid State and Technology Society (MASS), The Institute of Physics (IOP), Malaysian Nuclear Society (MNS), Malaysian Radiation Protection Association (MARPA), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Malaysia Board of Technologies (MBOT) and Optical Society Malaysia (OSM).
Building on years of experience, these members serve as journal editors, journal reviewers, conference organizers, and are actively involved in outreach initiatives in the community. With excellent facilities, we offer a harmony environment for our members; staff and students alike. We welcome you to be a part of us, and explore the various opportunities available at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, UTM.
Dr Roslinda Zainal
Department of Physics