+607-553 4048 fsains@utm.my



Rigaku, SmartLab, X-ray diffraction (XRD)

X-ray diffraction system features the PhotonMax high-flux 9 kW rotating anode X-ray source coupled with a HyPix-3000 high-energy-resolution 2D multi-dimensional semiconductor detector that supports 0D, 1D and 2D measurement modes

Benefit: Powder diffraction, thin film, SAXS, in-plane scattering, operando measurements
Technology: Automated high-resolution θ-θ multipurpose X-ray diffractometer (XRD) with expert system Guidance software
Core attributes: 3 kW sealed X-ray tube, CBO optics, D/teX Ultra 250 silicon strip detector
Core options: PhotonMax high-flux 9 kW rotating anode X-ray source, in-plane arm (5-axis goniometer), HyPix-3000 high energy resolution 2D HPAD detector, Johansson Kα₁ optics
Power requirements: 3Ø, 200 V 50/60 Hz, 30 A (sealed tube) or 60 A (rotating anode)