+607-555 7549(Office), +607-553 1279(F) bioscdirector@utm.my

Congratulation to Muhammad Redza

Congratulation to Muhammad Redza   The closing of AFOBMCIS 2019 – 22 0ct 2019. Congratulations to all involved and especially to our bioscience PhD student Muhammad Redza for winning the Young Researcher Award ! Well done!...

Projek Kebun Komuniti

  Inisiatif Kejiranan Hijau MBIP-UTM-GTALCC dengan kerjasama UNDP dan GEF.   Kali ini komuniti mempraktikkan teknik penanaman hugelculture melalui inisiatif asal MBIP menggarap kawasan kebun komuniti yang menggunakan sepenuhnya sisa terbuang dari mknn dan...

Free Food Coupon Program

Did you know that Faculty of Science UTM  recently launched its Free Food Coupon Program for the less fortunate undergraduate students? This program will benefit over 50 students from all 4 departments within FS including those from Biosciences Dept.   Each...

Industrial Training Sharing Session

LI sharing session conducted by Dr Izzati and Biosciences Student Development Committee (JKPP Biosains), where final year students sharing their Industrial training experience to their junior (3rd-year students). Very fun, santai.. yet informative especially during...