+607-555 7549(Office), +607-553 1279(F) bioscdirector@utm.my

Retirement of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chong Chun Shiong

The Faculty extends our warmest appreciation to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chong Chun Shiong (Associate Professor (DS54) – Department of Biosciences) for nearly 17 years of hard work and dedication. We wish Dr. Chong a long, fulfilling and enjoyable retirement!...

Welcome on-board Dr. Farah Hanis Juhari!

Welcome on-board Dr. Farah Hanis Binti Juhari! Dr. Farah joins our Faculty from Faculty of Electrical Engineering as a Senior Lecturer (DS52) in the Department of Biosciences. Congratulations and we are delighted to have you on our...