+607-555 7549(Office), +607-553 1279(F) bioscdirector@utm.my
Customised Research Management: Structure and Adab

Customised Research Management: Structure and Adab

A 2 days workshop on “Customised Research Management: Structure and Adab” will be held at T02, Department of Bioscience on the 20- 21st March 2019. This workshop provides a platform for young researchers and others who are still searching for meanings in research and...

Bio Outdoor Survival (BOS) program

On 2nd of March 2019, a total of 70 students from the Biosciences department of Faculty Science participated in Bio Outdoor Survival (BOS) program. The event was conducted at UTM Recreational Forest (Hutan Rekreasi) facilitated by Biosciences Students Club members...