Behind pressing scientific questions, unexplored areas of mathematical knowledge yet to be discovered.
The department is divided into 5 broad research areas/academic panels:
- Algebra & Analysis
- Applied Mathematics
- Numerical & Computational
- Operations Research
- Statistics
Members belong to specific research groups focused on diverse studies.

Mathematical Sciences
Applied Algebra and Analysis Group (AAAG)
Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fong Wan Heng. Research Alliance: Frontier Materials

Mathematical Sciences
Dynamical Systems Modelling Group
Leader: Dr. Fuaada Mohd Siam.
Research Alliance: Frontier Materials

Mathematical Sciences
Mathematical Optimization Group

Mathematical Sciences
Statistical Modelling (STAM) Group
Leader: Dr. Haliza Abd Rahman
Research Alliance: Frontier Materials

Mathematical Sciences
Fluid Mechanics Group
Leader: Professor Dr. Sharidan Shafie
Research Alliance: Frontier Materials

Mathematical Sciences
Industrial & Scientific Computation (ISC) Group
Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeak Su Hoe
Research Alliance: Frontier Materials

Mathematical Sciences
Climate Change Research Group (CCRG)
Research Alliance: Resource Sustainability

UTM-Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (UTM-CIAM)
UTM-CIAM is a research centre specializes in application of mathematical techniques in solving industrial problems. It was established on 12 December 2012 in the presence of the Malaysian Minister for Higher Education at St. Anne College, University of Oxford. With the vision of becoming a top global centre for industrial and applied mathematics, UTM-CIAM extends its network both locally and internationally via strategic cooperation with Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (OCIAM), Asia Pacific Consortium of Mathematics for Industry (APCMfI), universities and industries