+607-5534043 / 34046 / 33542
ChM. Dr. Mohd Firdaus Abdul Wahab obtained his PhD in Chemical Biology from Imperial College London. He is currently the Faculty’s Assistant Dean (External and Global Engagement). He chairs several committees at the Faculty, such as the Internationalization, Community Relations, Corporate Affairs, Alumni, and Industry Relations Committees. He is a registered chemist (ChM) of the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM), a member (MRSC) of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC, UK) and a chartered chemist (CChem) of RSC. His current research interests include environmental biochemistry and microbiomes, particularly related to the biological degradation of pollutants and biological energy generation.
Get in touch with ChM. Dr. Mohd Firdaus Abdul Wahab through:-
Email : firdausw@utm.my
Twitter: @mfirdausaw