Check out these wonderful photos from Dr. Ezza Syuhada’s trip to Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania recently, for her Teaching Staff mobility under the Staff Mobility Erasmus+ Program. Dr. Ezza spent seven days from 14-21 May 2023, visiting...
UTM Career Carnival 2023 (CC2023) FINAL YEAR STUDENTS? INTERN TO BE? THIS IS THE PERFECT CHANCE FOR YOU TO INTERACT WITH THESE UTM PREMIUM EMPLOYERS We couldn’t have done it without the generous support of these companies. Be sure to stop by their booth to learn...
7th ASIA International Multidisciplinary Conference (AIMC 2023)! This prestigious event serves as a platform for educational professionals from around the world to come together and explore the latest trends and innovations in the industry. It is pleased to announce...
The Faculty of Science would like to show our greatest gratitude and thanks to Mr. Noor Haslan Sallehudin for all his services and utmost dedication as the Information Technology Manager (Ambassador of Faculty of Science), Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi...
The Faculty would like to show our warmest appreciation to Pn. Anisah Binti Salikin (Assistant Science Officer (CA29) – Department of Physics), for almost 33 years of hard work and dedication. We wish Pn. Anisah a long and enjoyable...