+607-5534043 / 34046 / 33542

Congratulations to Chai Xin Zhe

Congratulations to Chai Xin Zhe (Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) with Honours – Department of Chemistry) for securing the ACS Student Chapter Development and Engagement Grant with the fund approved of USD650 from American Chemical Society (ACS). Congratulations...

Congratulation To Mr. Shahrul Nizam Zainal Abidin

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Shahrul Nizam Zainal Abidin for his well-deserved appointment as the Operations Assistant (N11), Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The Faculty wishes Mr. Shahrul every success in his duties and may he lead us to even...

Sekalung Penghargaan Kepada En. Nor Azlan Nasrudin

Faculty of Science would like to show our greatest gratitude and thanks to Mr. Nor Azlan Nasrudin for all his services and utmost dedication during carried out the duties of the Operations Assistant (N11), Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Thank you...

FRESH Newsletter

Greetings, esteemed researcher in the FS community, We would like to extend an invitation for you to submit an article for the August 2023 Edition of the FRESH Newsletter. It’s worth noting that the newsletter is now equipped with an e-ISSN, which makes it even...