Salam Maulidur Rasul Semoga dalam setiap langkah hidup kita, kita selalu mengingat dan mengikuti teladan Nabi Muhammad SAW… Perpaduan Teras Malaysia...
Congratulations to Teo Hwee Li (Doctor of Philosophy Field of Research: Chemistry) – Department of Chemistry) and Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Roswanira Ab. Wahab (Supervisor – Department of Chemistry) for securing the MTSF Science & Technology Research Grant...
Welcome on-board Dr. Noorehan Yaacob! Dr. Noorehan joins our Faculty as a Senior Lecturer (DS51) in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Congratulations and we are delighted to have you on our...
Welcome on-board Dr. Fatin Nadiah Mohamed Yussof! Dr. Fatin joins our Faculty as a Senior Lecturer (DS51) in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Congratulations and we are delighted to have you on our...
Welcome on-board Dr. Dzuliana Fatin Jamil! Dr. Dzuliana joins our Faculty as a Senior Lecturer (DS51) in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Congratulations and we are delighted to have you on our...