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Congratulations to Ts. Dr. Mohd Fazrulhisham Mohd Nor

Congratulations to Ts. Dr. Mohd Fazrulhisham Mohd Nor, Deputy Director of the National Metrology Institute of Malaysia (NMIM-SIRIM) on his appointment as Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia! The Faculty of Science values our...

Program Kembali Terjalin – Throwback Kenangan bersama Alumni

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera. For your information, the Department of Mathematical Sciences (JSM), Faculty of Science, UTM Johor Bahru will be organizing the Program Kembali Terjalin – Throwback Kenangan bersama Alumni on December 2, 2023 (Saturday),...

Greetings, esteemed researcher in the FS community

Greetings, esteemed researcher in the FS community, We would like to extend an invitation for you to submit an article for the December 2023 Edition of the FRESH Newsletter. It’s worth noting that the newsletter is now equipped with an e-ISSN, which makes it...

Happy Deepavali

Happy Deepavali … Wishing all of you a sparkling festival and may this festival bring more happiness to your life...

Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norma Alias

Congratulations to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norma Alias (Department of Mathematical Sciences) for securing a Contract Research Grant from EDESS Education Development and Solutions Specialist Sdn Bhd (EDESS) with a total fund of RM24,000 entitled Mathematical Thinking and...