+607-5534043 / 34046 / 33542

Congratulation For Master by Mixed Mode Degree

Congratulations to Mr. Zhang Taining (Department of Biosciences) and Mr. Hamri Hamdika (Department of Mathematical Sciences) upon receiving the UTM Senate’s approval to confer Master by Mixed Mode Degree in your respective fields, starting from December 27,...

Congratulations For Doctorate Degree

Congratulations to Dr. Al-Baghdadi Baraa Adil Hadi (Department of Biosciences), Dr. Jemilatu Omuwa Audu (Department of Biosciences) and Dr. Nor Azlina Binti Ahmad (Department of Biosciences) upon receiving the UTM Senate’s approval to confer Doctorate Degree in...

Congratulations to Prof. Muhammad Hisyam Lee

Congratulations to Prof. Muhammad Hisyam Lee (Department of Mathematical Sciences) for being awarded the International Partner Award (MITRA Internasional) by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia. Congratulations once again to Prof. Hisyam and all the...