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Congratulations to Prof. Muhammad Hisyam Lee

Congratulations to Prof. Muhammad Hisyam Lee (Department of Mathematical Sciences) for being awarded the International Partner Award (MITRA Internasional) by the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia. Congratulations once again to Prof. Hisyam and all the...

Career & Internship @ CERN

Dear All, Faculty of Science, UTM is organising a Sharing Session entitled Career & Internship @ CERN. Speakers: Mr. Muhammad Firdaus Mohd Soberi PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh, UK Mr. Fahmi Ibrahim (CSSP2020 & MPhil. Physics Alumnus) GCSEA Openings...

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Nor Hafiz Bin Sapari

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Nor Hafiz Bin Sapari for his well-deserved appointment as the Operations Assistant (N11), Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The Faculty wishes Mr. Hafiz every success in his new...

Sekalung Penghargaan Kepada Mr. Erwan Bin Saman

Faculty of Science would like to show our greatest gratitude and thanks to Mr. Erwan Bin Saman for all his services and utmost dedication during carried out the duties of the Operations Assistant (N11), Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Thank you for...