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Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-67 Malaysia

Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan ke-67 Malaysia Dalam perpaduan, kita wujudkan keamanan… Dalam keamanan, kita wujudkan keharmonian… Dalam keharmonian, kita wujudkan sebuah kesejahteraan… Selamat Hari Kebangsaan. “Jiwa...

Workshop on Proposal Preparation and FRGS Proposal Bank

Assalamualaikum and good day, The Faculty of Science is pleased to announce that we are organizing a Workshop on Proposal Preparation and FRGS Proposal Bank. This program is part of our efforts to assist FS researchers in preparing high-quality proposals for the...

Prestigious UTM Academic Quality Award

A Legacy of Excellence Continues! We are proud to announce that the Faculty of Science has once again earned the prestigious UTM Academic Quality Award, marking our THIRD consecutive win! Presented during the UTM Citra Karisma 2024 Ceremony, this award highlights our...

Workshop on Bibliometric Analysis for Review Articles

On 27 August 2024, the Workshop on Bibliometric Analysis for Review Articles took place at UTM HeliXs, Faculty of Science. The FS Research Year 2024 committees and the Postgraduate Student Society Faculty of Science (PGSS FS) express their heartfelt appreciation to...


LEADING THE WAY IN INDUSTRY IMPACT Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Suhairul Bin Hashim on receiving the UTM Industry Engagement Award! This award showcases Prof. Dr. Suhairul’s dedication and impactful contributions, including his pivotal role in industrial negotiations...

Citra Karisma 2024 Awards & Honors

Citra Karisma 2024 Awards & Honors: Congratulations to the 21 Faculty of Science academic and support staff who received acknowledgments in the Excellence in Service Award category! We hope this award will motivate and inspire other staff members to excel further,...