Congratulations to Faculty of Science Researchers: Ts. Dr. Naji Arafat Bin Hj. Mahat (Department of Chemistry), Dr. Juan Bin Matmin (Department of Chemistry), Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Mohd Bakri Bakar (Department of Chemistry), Dr. Saleha Binti Shahar (Department of Biosciences), Dr. Nazrin Bin Abd Aziz (Department of Biosciences), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Goh Kian Mau (Department of Biosciences), Dr. Raihana Binti Ridzuan (Department of Biosciences), Dr. Nur Hidayah Binti Ahmad (Department of Physics), Dr. Nurhafizah Binti Hasim (Department of Physics) and Dr. Siti Mariam Binti Norrulashikin (Department of Mathematical Sciences) for securing the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) 2023 with a total amount of RM 1,248,597.00.
Congratulations once again and wish all the best.