+607-5534043 / 34046 / 33542

All students are invited to attend the Faculty of Science Postgraduate Seminar Series 2 2020/2021 on the 24th of June 2021 online via Webex. This is an initiative by the Faculty of Science to provide a platform for all its postgraduate students to share an overview of their research projects and showcase what they have achieved so far.

Registration link for the seminar:

Scan the QR code on the poster or this Webex link to join this seminar:

Kindly share this invitation with your colleagues, undergraduate and post-graduate students.
All attendance will be recorded into the UTMAcad system.

More details can be found on our Facebook and Instagram pages:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pgssfs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/utmpgssfs20202021/…