Dr. Siti Aminah Setu obtained her Ph.D. in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. She is the Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) at the Department of Chemistry and is responsible for ensuring the program’s quality. Additionally, she actively participates in STEM programs aimed at schools and the community. Her research focuses on colloidal materials and their stability behaviour in various systems, such as oil and gas and water treatment. She is currently working on developing advanced materials for sodium-ion batteries.
Get in touch with ChM. Dr. Siti Aminah Setu (Sabtu) through:-
Email: sitiaminahsetu@utm.my
Website: http://people.utm.my/sitiaminahsetu/
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9p92nIsAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Siti-Aminah-Setu