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On Tuesday, April 26th, 2022 (Tuesday), at 2.30 p.m., a Virtual International Engagement (VIE) between UTM Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Mathematics Program, Davao Oriental State University (DOrSU) was held to discuss collaboration activities between the two departments. This session was represented by Assoc. Prof. Madya Dr. Zarina Mohd Khalid, Director of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTM, accompanied by Prof. Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin, Associate Director, Global Strategy & Engagement, and other academic staff from UTM Department of Mathematical Sciences. DOrSU was represented by Prof. Danilo O. Jacobe, DOrSU Mathematics Program Head, moderated by Mr Rodrigo A. Salimaco Jr., and other academic staff from DOrSU.