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Notable Science Alumni


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Follow our alumni’s path to success

UTM Faculty of Science continues to be one of the top faculties in UTM and Malaysia in general, producing some successful and notable people to come out from our departments.


Hafizah Isa Alumni FS Hafizah Noor Isa, completed her Masters of Physics at the Faculty of Science in 2008/2009. She made headlines when her research team proved Einstein’s theory of gravitational waves. Hafizah was involved in a worldwide project of gravitational wave detectors (GEO600 experiment).She was a student of Prof Abdul Rahim Sahar from the Department of Physics.
Hazzirah Izzati Alumni FS Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim, completed her PhD in Mathematics at the Faculty of Science in 2014. She made history when she was named the youngest person in Malaysia to receive a doctorate during UTM’s 53rd convocation. She was a student of Prof Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin and Dr. Normuhainiah M. Ali from the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Mundzir Abdullah Alumni FS Mundzir Abdullah, completed his PhD in Physics at the Faculty of Science in 2015. He was recognised as the Youngest PhD holder in Malaysia at 23 years 5 months as certified by the Malaysia Book of Records. He was a student of Prof Dr. Noriah Bidin from the Department of Physics.