“An Unwavering Legacy of Excellence Continues at UTM’s Faculty of Science! The Faculty of Science shines brightly once again, securing the UTM Academic Quality Award for the second consecutive time! This prestigious academic recognition, presented during...
Tahniah! Fakulti Sains berbangga dengan kejayaan mempertahankan Anugerah Kualiti Akademik UTM buat kali kedua berturut-turut Anugerah berprestij akademik sempena Majlis Citra Karisma UTM ini menandakan pengiktirafan berterusan terhadap komitmen Fakulti Sains dalam...
TIME DEPENDENT ROC CURVE Learn how to use the accessible software to import your biomarker data, prepare it for ROC curve analysis, and build the classification table for ROC curve construction. This course is designed for researchers and doctors who are interested in...