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CONGRATULATIONS to ChM. Dr. Mohd Akmali Mokhter

A huge CONGRATULATIONS to ChM. Dr. Mohd Akmali Mokhter for his well-deserved appointment as the Member of Malaysia-France Points of Contact Network for Higher Education, Research and Innovation by the Embassy of France in Malaysia. The Faculty wishes Dr. Akmali every...

Congratulations To The Editors

Congratulations to the editors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Yaacob and Dr. Taufiq Khairi Ahmad Khairuddin (Department of Mathematical Sciences) on the recently published edited book entitled Intermediate Mathematics (ISBN: 978-983-52-2023-4). Congratulations once again to...

Sekalung Budi Kepada Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amiruddin Shaari

The Faculty would like to show our warmest appreciation to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amiruddin Shaari (Associate Professor (DS54) – Department of Physics), for almost 34 years of hard work and dedication. We wish Dr. Amir a long and enjoyable...