Volume 26, October 2024
Guest Editors:
Mohd Ali Khameini Ahmad
Fong Wan Heng
Ahmad Fadillah Embong
Dr Nur Idayu Alimon (UiTM Pasir Gudang)
AAAG International Algebra Seminar 2024 (AIAS 2024)
Organized by Applied Algebra & Analysis Group (AAAG), UTM, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Universitas Mataram (UNRAM), Indonesia.
The General Zeroth-Order Randić Index of Non-Braid Graph of a Commutative Ring
Abdul Gazir Syarifudin, Nurhabibah, Intan Muchtadi Alamsyah & Erma Suwastika
Sombor Energy of the Zero Divisor Graph for Some Ring of Z_{3^k}
Nur’Ain Adriana Mohd Rizal, Nur Idayu Alimon & Mathuri Selvarajoo
The Total Non-Zero Divisor Graph for the Ring of Gaussian Integers Modulo Four
Nur Athirah Farhana Omar Zai, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Sanhan Muhammad Salih Khasraw & Ibrahim Gambo
Some Properties of the Zero Divisor Graph of Integers Modulo Ring
Ghazali Semil @ Ismail, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nur Idayu Alimon & Lim Yeou Jiann
Laplacian Spectrum of the Deep Enhanced Power Graph of Generalized Quaternion Groups
Norlyda Mohamed, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali & Muhammed Bello
Eccentric Connectivity Index of the Power Graph for Dihedral Groups: A Case of Bromine Pentafluoride
Nur Idayu Alimon, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Nabilah Najmuddin, Ghazali Semil @ Ismail & Nur’Ain Adriana Mohd Rizal
Educational Board Games for Enhancing Money Calculation in 3rd Grade Students in Indonesia
Karina Widya Ramadhani & Gantina Rachmaputri
The Sombor Index of the Nilpotent Graph of Modulo Integer Numbers
Fathul Maulina Wahidah, Fariz Maulana, Na’imah Hijriati & I Gede Wisnu Adhitya Wisnu Wardana
Topological Indices of Coprime Graph of Generalized Quaternion Group
Lalu Riski Wirendra Putra, Lia Fitta Pratiwi, Miftahurrahman, Abdul Gazir Syarifudin & I Gede Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana
The p_i -Cayley Graph for Cyclic Group of Order p^2q^2
Athirah Zulkarnain, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Hazzirah Izzati Mat Hassim & Ahmad Erfanian
The Sombor Index and Its Generalization of The Coprime Graph for the Generalized Quaternion Group
Ayes Malona Siboro, Fariz Maulana, Na’imah Hijriati & I Gede Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana
Topological Indices of GCD Graph Representations for Integer Modulo Groups with Prime Power Order
Rendi Bahtiar Pratama, Fariz Maulana, Abdurahim & I Gede Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana
Sombor Index, Reduced Sombor Index, and Average Sombor Index of Coprime Graph Associated to the Dihedral Groups of Order 2
Syaftirridho Putri, Fariz Maulana, Na’imah Hijriati & I Gede Adhitya Wisnu Wardhana
The Deep Enhanced Power Graph of Some Nonabelian Metabelian Group
Muhammad Rafiq Mohd Zulkefli, Nor Muhainiah Mohd Ali & Azizah Batrisyia Abdul Halim